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L2 Valhalla

2 participantes

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L2 Valhalla Empty L2 Valhalla

Mensaje  Dahaka Lun Mar 21, 2011 8:58 pm

====== Tor x7 ======

International server with GMs and Admins from Spain. English or Spanish can be used to talk to the Staff

Game Rates:
XP/ SP/ Drop: x7
Adena / Spoil: x6
Party XP/ SP: x1.0
Manor Drop: x1
Epic Jewels Drop Chance: x1
Raid Drop: x3
Mercenary Guard Price: x7
S80/Hellbound: 2x
Buffs/Dances duration: retail

Low impact donations. No GMshop.
Players can donate only to get hats, skip his class change or additional
power ups with low impact ingame.

Quest Rates:
XP/ SP/ Item/ Adena Reward: x2
Quest Item Drop Rate: x2
Quest requested for first,second and third job change (PROMOTION: first and second change quest free for this month)
Quest requested for subclass and noblesse.

Retail enchant success rate, safe +3 / +4 on one-part armor and max +25.

Auto Loot (Auto Pickup) enabled.

Gameplay Security:
Full Anti-Bot/ Anti-Hack System.
Box limitation currently to 2 clients per PC.

Custom Addons:
Giants Cave/Beast Farm instances to get A sets as traditional.
Offline Private Stores: Set your private store and click “Exit”.
Stazis Geodata Freya. The best one available.

Three developers, using our own fork from l2j.


PROMOTION: If your clan moves to our server in this months, talk with any GM, cause you will receive one of the donation advanteges (power ups) free of charge.



Mensajes : 1
Fecha de inscripción : 21/03/2011

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L2 Valhalla Empty Re: L2 Valhalla

Mensaje  Vassili Jue Mar 24, 2011 9:23 pm


Mensajes : 42
Fecha de inscripción : 02/04/2010
Edad : 26
Localización : España

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